By Cottagecheeseha - 20/08/2012 04:03 - United States - Monterey Park

Today, I pulled out a book and my bookmark fell out. My crush picked it up and a weird look came across his face. I then realized I had used toilet paper. Now I'm the girl who reads while taking dumps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 664
You deserved it 6 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm reading this fml from a toilet so i can't really judge.

Dont we all in some way shape or form?


nonnieluv 9

So being literate and resourceful is a bad thing?

weeabaka 6

Kleenex? a napkin? Anything could have given you a better reputation!

weeabaka 6

Besides, At least you read? He should take that as a good sign.

Try using post-it notes for bookmarks. They never fall out, you can reuse them just fine, and it's no great loss if you lose one.

I thought everybody reads while taking dumps. I read FMLs on my iPod while on the toilet. That's how I read this one.

Someones being a teeny bit over sensitive. PS "everybody poops" is great toilet reading

ganjaone 2
mrnuleef 7

Things I've done while taking a dump: commented on fmls, play video games, draw, read, brush my teeth, written papers, thought "man, this comment is way over the borderline of my personal toilet time," etc. So reading is perfectly fine!

karencitaa 4