By BUSTED. - 01/12/2015 19:02 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I punched a drunk woman who kept trying to force herself onto my husband. She turned out to be an off-duty cop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 582
You deserved it 3 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

Well worth it. She should be ashamed for behaving that way off duty and hopefully you can clear your name.

That would be embarrassing. Why did you arrest this lady? "She punched me after I was trying to force myself on her husband"


Railroader 16

sounds like something my fiancée would do, she wouldn't care if it was a cop or not.

If she presses charges then have your husband press charges on her for assault and attempted rape. That ought to be enough to ruin her or make her reconsider and drop the charges.

She may be too embarrassed to press charges because it might make her look bad to her superiors

She probably deserved it but usually it's a good idea to warn people when you are about to physically assault them.

countryb_cth 38

Yah sure cuz yah know everyone says "hey I'm gunna hit you in the face ok? cool" before hitting someone.

tkeeton46 17

Doesn't matter, if need be, press charges against her.

**** that hoe thats why she shouldnt be a **** and trying to be on someone elses man, she deserved it but i feel bad for u, i hope it goes well for u


who cares?! I'm all for respecting the police, but #1 off duty so how would you even know and #2 she was being disrespectful for trying to mess around with a married man. ESPECIALLY with his wife present. The fact that she was an off duty cop shouldn't play a part in anything. She can't send you to jail for assault of a police officer and her behavior speaks poorly for her department. gather witnesses of the event and I guarantee nothing will happen to you.

What, you think the only way to keep your husband from cheating on you is to assault anyone who hits on him? Seriously, chill out. You behaving that way would be FML-worthy even if the woman hadn't been a cop.

Or rather than her worried about him cheating, she was worried the cop WOULDN'T LEAVE HER HUSBAND ALONE? If he repeatedly said no and she was all over him sexually harassing him, why shouldn't op punch her? Seriously, switch the genders. Would you be bitching?

Your comment is Fml worthy. She was not hitting on him. Forcing herself on him was the wording that was used. Actually read the Fml before jumping to conclusions.


I would 100% put my hands on a woman that was forcing herself on to my man, why? because if he has asked her multiple times to back off he can't do much else without looking like a woman beater. I will look like a psycho for my husband and I expect him to do the same if any man forcing himself on me.

ammacias13 9

makes no difference show that cop

listen I am a drunk. I can't stop drinking just the fact that you stood up for your husband is awesome.. you can write private messages. I live in the Netherlands if you need me ill be here.