By oconron - 06/03/2009 06:09 - United States

Today, I put my picture into a celebrity look alike website. The three matches that came up were Barbra Streisand, Hillary Clinton, and Boy George. I'm 16. I'm a boy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 673
You deserved it 7 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hillary Clinton does have a couple of manly features

elianne 0

Haha! I got Hillary Clinton too! My 20 year old brother got Mischa Barton and Natalie Portman


dearkidnapper 0

That's funny. I did one of those things before, and I tried like 3 different pictures and my number 1 every time was some Asian girl. I am white, no Asian features on me!!!

Don't lose and sleep over it. I just tried the same thing. It said I look like tupac, hilary duff, and the asian dude from disturbia. I'm a 19 year old guy with anything but feminineish features.

percawesome 0

Hate to be a Grammar Nazi but... what the hell. "Femenine" is already an adjective, you don't need to add the -ish. Plus it's hard to say out loud lol

I'm all for correcting grammar, #58, but I gave you a thumbs down for spelling.

I got Pavarotti and I'm neither fat nor hairy :(

i got ricki lake and lisa ling... i'm a 21 year old guy joey fatone, lance bass, and both david and patricia arquette too i get lance bass a lot from people tho

Consider it an honor to look like Boy George. :)

How does one look like a black man, a white girl, and an asian man at the same time?

There was a study done that says that women are known to be more attracted to men with feminine facial features. Your gonna get a lot of chicks just cuz of that.

sandj_fml 0

well.....its not your fault your ugly

Well, if you are gay, you shouldn't have any trouble finding dates. It would be better if you looked like Liza. I got Zamphier the master of the pan pipes.

Sulaco_fml 0

Don't worry about it. That site told me I look like Charles Barkley. The only thing we have in common is we shave our heads.