Funny guy

By kinkyapparently - 22/10/2015 14:47 - United States - San Juan Capistrano

Today, my husband broke his toe after tripping over one of our dog's toys. Instead of telling the doctors what actually happened, he said it was "sex related". I had to sit there, beet red with embarrassment, getting weird looks while he giggled to himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 194
You deserved it 2 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've said. "Yeah, and if you think the toe is bad, you should see his penis." The quickest way to hurt a man is to hurt his penis, figuratively or literally.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I probably would've just said, "If it was sex related, you weren't with me. I did see you trip over the dog toy, however." It's funny what people say in weird situations. Maybe he was just nervous or felt stupid for tripping over a dog toy?


This proves my gender is full of big little boys.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I probably would've just said, "If it was sex related, you weren't with me. I did see you trip over the dog toy, however." It's funny what people say in weird situations. Maybe he was just nervous or felt stupid for tripping over a dog toy?

SystemofaBlink41 27
Hiimhaileypotter 52

Well, I feel dumb for not even thinking of that possibility.

AllyJo1231 15

Well, they say pay back is a bitch! Next time something happens embarrass him! :)

You should've said. "Yeah, and if you think the toe is bad, you should see his penis." The quickest way to hurt a man is to hurt his penis, figuratively or literally.

Or she could have said "We have to use his toe because it's bigger than his dick" haha

No, it isn't the number one sign. My shirt that says "don't make fun of my penis" on the front of it is the number one sign of my genital insecurity.

Abhimanyu 14

haha your comment was Savage af :D