By Username - 03/08/2011 03:33 - United States

Today, I quit smoking. It seems that when you don't smoke for almost 24 hours, your sense of smell comes back. I then noticed how disgusting my apartment smells. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 813
You deserved it 51 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heather_x0x0 6

Ha! That smell is never gonna go away YDI for smokin

It's true. When I stopped smoking I started realizing how strong the smell is on my friends and the clothes in my closet. I began to feel bad for people that I sat next to or worked with because I'm positive they could smell me.


cimh 9

First of all OP I wish you all the best to quit smoking. Considering you can't stand the smell in your appartment yourself, it's actually quite a good thing you stopped smoking. There are candles and sprays which take out the smoke smell. I had once a candle - and it worked! You only need to let it burn (in a safe place!!!) until it's almost finished!

that's awesome that you quit but good that the smell remains. I reminds you of how bad you once smelled to other people. give it time and lots of pinesol and eventually the smell will subside.

Congrats on quitting smoking (and I hope you stick with it!).. but YDI for smoking in your apartment!

lol your dumb I bet your smelling what non smokers have been smelling on you forever you deserve it hahaha but congrats on quiting

wafflez4ever 0

it's a little something I like to call fabreeze and open windows

rose22_fml 0

It's your damn fault for being a dumbass smoker!

Good for you for quitting! My parents smoked and I never relized how much the house smelled until I moved out.