By Username - 03/08/2011 03:33 - United States

Today, I quit smoking. It seems that when you don't smoke for almost 24 hours, your sense of smell comes back. I then noticed how disgusting my apartment smells. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 813
You deserved it 51 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heather_x0x0 6

Ha! That smell is never gonna go away YDI for smokin

It's true. When I stopped smoking I started realizing how strong the smell is on my friends and the clothes in my closet. I began to feel bad for people that I sat next to or worked with because I'm positive they could smell me.


imsodumbsomedays 4
chkoe96 5

I think that's good! More reason to quit

Clean it instead of bitching. Be glad your not 1 step closer to cancer. You saved your own life.

Oh come on, OP... now look what you've done. You've lured all the "ZOMG YOU SHOULD NOT SMOKE, I WILL JUDGE YOU FOREVER AND EVER D:" goblins out of their lairs.

Lucky7Samson 10

Smokers crack me up talking about how much they hate when people judge them. Oh you hate that? THEN STOP ******* COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW BAD YOU WANT TO QUIT AND HOW EXPENSIVE IT IS TO SMOKE. *Soap Box moment over*

YDI but at least you realized and now you should know better

Smokers deserve nothing less that the worst.

I'm glad that you're trying to stop smoking, but YDI for smoking in the first place.

xxreikoxx 31

Congratulations to OP and all of the commenters who have quit smoking. I'm proud of y'all and hope that someone celebrated on your first anniversary like I did for my friend on her one-year anniversary of having quit smoking: I bought her a reusable travel mug, a keychain with her first name on it, a twenty-five dollar gift card to her favourite restaurant, and a card that I've written an encouraging note on. Now she looks back at the card and reads it over again whenever she gets one of the stronger urges to relapse. She hasn't relapsed. :D Best wishes with the smell though, OP. My friend ended up opening every window and spraying down the apartments everyday until it smelt good again; her clothes haven't smelled like smoke since she quit. :)