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On my own again, naturally

By Anonymous - 08/09/2012 17:27 - United States - Sandy

Today, I got into an argument with my mom over her sexist, emotionally-abusive boyfriend. I told her that either he goes or I go. She called me a disrespectful bastard for not respecting my "new father." I'm now sitting outside a McDonald's with my suitcase, leeching their WiFi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 817
You deserved it 2 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jarockstar27 10

I hate it when parents pick the boyfriend/girlfriend over their own children. Its irresponsible and selfish. Im sorry OP i hope things get better.

well I hate to say this, but maybe it is best you got out. If she won't listen, its best you get out of a potentially bad situation.


FYL OP, but what comes around goes around! :) she will learn her mistake

JocelynKaulitz 28

If that were me, I would have just beat the shit out of the boyfriend. Regardless if my mom were to pick him over me, I wouldn't let anyone mess with her.

Hold on now, maybe OP's like 34 and his mother is just doing this to get her "kid" to move out lol you never know

maybe 40 is right, but we need a lot more details on this. Try talking with your mom OP and if you can't get through to her maybe in the long run she will see that she was wrong

If she hasn't learned by now that picking others over her kids is wrong, will she ever?

I had the same thought as you 40. Something about the wording makes me think the guys a grown man not a kid. In which case it's a whole different story. Who knows.

No wonder she Op's dad got a divorce.

coolbrony12 3

Ahem, what goes around comes around. It didn't really make sense the way you worded it.

Now this is an actual fml. I hope you find some way to sort it all out eventually.

If OP is homeless he won't win even if his mom does end up miserable!

I am sad to see everyone thumbs down all the ones saying that its possible that OP is too old to be living at home pulling this me or him stuff. It's entirely possible, and if OP is a grown ass man, he needs to find his own place and let his mom move on with her life. Its entirely possible that moms new guy is a good guy but don't like the way OP leaches off his mom. . . Theres way too much her to fully judge. . . not saying that we can't offer advice, just don't thumbs down those thinking that maybe its not all cut and dry. sorry OP but if your grown, YDI. If however you are young and this guy is bad news, sorry buddy that blows and you might be better off in the long run without her. If she is not going to pick you now, she never will.

I am so sorry your mother can't see the destructive relationship she has put her self in, and is disregarding you because of it. :(

This sounds JUST LIKE my brother and his (thankfully) EX girlfriend. Yes, op, she'll come around, but she'll have to be abused for a while first, I'm afraid to say. :( hang in there!

Yeah it's sad her being abused will most likely make her see you're right. :(

habibiiiiiii 2

Sounds like op's mom is too desperate for "love" and is willing to kick out a person who will have unconditional love for her. Awful.

Agreed. She deserves sandpaper-covered golf balls up her rectum.

It's kinda like girls who date douch bag bf's. Oh, wait..

You're stepping on the Hamburgler's turf! Watch your step.

It wasn't irrelevant and I thought it was humorous. The op does mention leeching off of McDonald's wifi at the end of the FML.

Thank you, 65. Some people just don't read things entirely.

Probably the best relevant comment ever. :)

Yea I know, I guess it's just a thumb down kinda day. Meh.

If you don't understand sarcasm, innuendo, or references to old tv commercials, please stop commenting your ignorance all over FML

157- I'll admit i didn't get that at first, and when everyone started going off on me I had a Homer Simpson "D'oh!" moment.

@157 they made a series of animated movies called "The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald" or something like that in the 90s that featured Hamburglar, along with Birdie, Grimace, Ronald's dog Sundae, and various other characters as well

How dare you!!! My mum has had her boyfriend for SEVEN YEARS and he is the sweetest man I could have ever wished for her!

DeadxManxWalking 27

Your mother is selfish for choosing him over her own daughter

DeadxManxWalking 27

11- oh sorry. Thanks thought. Read too fast

PYLrulz 17
hopsinlove17 26

82- 1. Redundant 2. You don't say-_-

The_F3rris 11

Thats sweet. So the son called out another man for being sexist. If only all men stood up for women.

Sounds like your mom has more issues than most.

well I hate to say this, but maybe it is best you got out. If she won't listen, its best you get out of a potentially bad situation.

jarockstar27 10

I hate it when parents pick the boyfriend/girlfriend over their own children. Its irresponsible and selfish. Im sorry OP i hope things get better.

Unfortunately, By the time she see's that it will be too late.

Or not. Some women pick one abuser after another. Good luck, OP. Hope you land on your feet.