By ordinaryday - 22/05/2012 12:21 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I reached a new level of commitment in my relationship with my boyfriend. This happened when he pooped on the side of the road beside my truck, while talking and making eye contact with me while wiping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 256
You deserved it 3 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahh young love. I don't remember it being that shitty. He was challenging you and asserting his dominance.


Wouldn't you have to have been looking at your boyfriend for him to make eye contact with you? I think the main question here is why the hell you were watching your boyfriend take a dump. That's just plain wrong.

Could only see his face, not his ass. But good for you to assume that!

It seems like eye contact helped him concentrate.

What on earth could he possibly be saying?? WTF!

Why were YOU making eye contact while he was pooping??

16- some people carry napkins and/or tissues in their vehicles. you never know when you might need them.

andrewmemoirs 2

at least you didn't get the brown eye