By slickboy0023 - 16/03/2010 15:30 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 23/03/2011 11:50 - United States
By LennyComa - 19/03/2017 00:00
By send help - 07/03/2017 02:00
By Anonymous - 05/01/2010 12:49 - India
Is that even legal?
By Monkeys aren't pets - 07/12/2020 23:04 - United States - Millersville
Dumbo's jumbo dungo
By Anonymous - 23/09/2019 20:00 - Australia
Food flight
By ashley_skillz06 - 24/01/2010 05:21 - France
By Anonymous - 14/05/2009 12:40 - Australia
By foojew93 - 09/08/2009 17:41 - United States
Do it again!
By immy504 - 30/11/2011 05:39 - United States
Top comments
Monkeys can also be prostitutes, astronauts, assistants, entertaners, etc. Don't feel bad.
your mom is a monkey
monkeys are coool
stop whining, and take my order!
#6 ur little monkeys at the bottom of ur comment just won
I would have driven you for bananas. lol (Family Guy)
go apply somewhere else then
That's awesome but my coffees not going to refill itself. Keep this up and it's no tip for you.
prostitutes!?!?!?! WTF! and op..seriously who ******* cares?
haha, #45 you beat me to it
@6 Well, how much for the monkey prostitute? ( Just kidding )
#6, how do you do that?
86- lol fail, there's only one question and it ends in a question mark, and then you have it end with an exclamation mark
no. and those returns you put in your posts don't make you cool =/
You pay them with food, usually. I saw it on Manswers.
101- they ain't going to take dollar bills (or yen, w/e) kinda expected that
calm down... breath slowly... count to ten... then go **** yourself -.-
110- he already took my advice, he's starting to try and **** his nose with his tongue in his pic 0_0
*Gets up calmly* *Calmly walks to behind the couch* *Pulls out vacuum calmly* *Calmly switches to reverse* *Plugs in calmly* *Calmly watches pudding violently hose out onto StoryOfTheYear* *Gets seisure from excessive amounts of laughter* Tenshi, you're going on my list. StoryOfTheYear, it seems like you have a lot of experience with that :)
what a comedian, don't really know what would make me sound like I have experience with that, but... whatever floats your boat. btw who has pudding, especially excessive amounts of it, in their vacuum??
immaturity, do your worst...
yeah so do millions of other people, get over it.
127- read my posts on this fml, while posting as much as both you and that other immature kid I have posted two times with any hint of immaturity in it, while all of your posts contain immaturity beyond comprehension, it's not even worth it to argue anymore, you'll soon be hitting me with a dust mop full of jelly or something...
well I like drugs:)
^^^ I rest my case...
that was a fail
it's a compliment, monkeys are really smart
oh stfu and grow a sense of humor. it's not hard, and I heard the seeds are on sale. ajjas makes me giggle with his comments here. so does kurou.. I think lol. I'm typing this on my phone so I'm doing the names from my piss poor memory. :)
ajjas is an annoying little boy so... STFU
poptart cheesecake FTW!
prostitute monkeys!? better start saving up!!!
Ajjas needs a new ****** pic. he looks like the biggest douche comedian-poser right now. I swear it's the pic. change it please.
157- sorry, don't really understand, is it me being made fun of or... confused here a lil' anyways it had been me vs. them 2 doshes, fun while it lasted until he got to the part where he um... blew pudding from a vacuum? (not normal)
it is funny. because basically we Americans are no more sophisticated than monkeys.
6, Prostitute monkeys..... How much do they cost? I'm kidding of course but really you have a job so get on with it!
StoryoftheYear your last comment made m shoot milk out of my nose.
hey monkeys can also flick poop.. do u also have that in common?
get a new job?
Or infiltrate their ranks and feed them macaroni push-pops and make them listen to Justin Beiber. But only after showing them a picture of typical Golden Corral customer. That ought to kill them. That'll kill them dead.
if that don't kill 'em who knows what would, I wouldn't live through half that
#2 ur hot
I want to be waited on by a monkey!!
kinky O_O
so do a lot of people. you should feel special, monkeys are the shit! xD
haha, cootie eater! LOL
sorry 3, Nancy Pelosi is too busy for that atm
"They took our jobs!"
hahaha #7! I love south park.
they took our jerb!
You were reading Cracked! (possibly)
Yes, but do they get paid? There is nothing wrong with being a server, and I doubt the people being waited on by the monkeys get the personal interraction many people enjoy from a human waiter!
When they don't get tipped do they throw their poo at the customers?
At least you do it better than a monkey can! I hope... ><
you have a job a dog could do. i mean let's face it, EVERYONE can take an order ang bring someone their meal..
I have to agree. I've waited tables; it's not super-complicated. I would definitely prefer a human to a monkey though, but I would much prefer a robot to a human.
HA! you would be schocked! It takes a lot of patience to wait tables. It is FAR from easy. Sometimes u luck up and work in a good organization but usually not. I did it starting college and I'd take my patients any day over customers! Although I worked in what I believe to be hell... That could be why.

"They took our jobs!"
I want to be waited on by a monkey!!