By Anonymous - 18/11/2015 14:50 - Canada

Today, I read the instructions on my new prescription constipation medicine: "For best results, defecate before use." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 735
You deserved it 1 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Mixed_steel 23

Somehow I think the meds would be useless if you were able to use it exactly as instructed... o.O

How does that work? Take a laxative beforehand?

saffy66 34

Imagine the years of research that went into making that.

Were your first words when you read this, " well, Shit. "?

Maybe it means try your best to poop out anything right before taking it? Still doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I would call the pharmacy or the doctor to verify the meaning.

Haha. For best results eat more fibre and less processed food

I'd be like, what the hell kind of instruction is that?!

Yikes, forget that! You can just cure yourself with a whole foods, plant-based diet. Preferably raw til 4, but not required. Try it for 3-7 days and see what happens. Vegankit .com