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By tonedef - 09/07/2013 23:35 - United States

Today, after spending weeks working on a song that meant a lot to me, I reluctantly posted it online. The "friend" who'd convinced me to post it, commented, "This is the worst shit I've ever heard." He got 30 likes, along with a barrage of agreeing, equally terrible comments. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 268
You deserved it 5 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mzrobinson 13

You need new friends. :( sorry OP.

morganrules123 10

Be proud you had the courage to post it. Also, your friend is a dick.


mzrobinson 13

You need new friends. :( sorry OP.

yeah op, at least this weeded out some of the people you shouldn't be associated with

Those closest to us are our harshest critics- try and figure out what went wrong and just keep at it!

He should title his next song "All my friends are dead to me." then someday when he's famous his debut album should be called "Remeber that status?" But really Op, don't let them get to you. Never give up, because you can only get better. The only way to go now is forward.

then000bster 16

Anyone read the username? I would suggest having a friend sing it? Or get advice on how to create a song.

morganrules123 10

Be proud you had the courage to post it. Also, your friend is a dick.

It takes one negative comment to kill a dream I say continue doing it and try try again also your friend is an asshole

ok the advice was good, if you are doing something you like don't be ashamed but you got bullied by your friend that sucks.. sorry op now try to make a better song dont give up

monnanon 13

i doubt op was ashamef of his work. i panic posting my stories online because they are very much a part of me and the characters are dear to me. critisism is all well and good but for the person who has poured their all into something it can really hurt. of course no one should think they are brilliant at something when they are not either but there is such a thing as constructive critisism

Feedmyaddiction5 14

what a jerk. I would try and get even somehow.

yeah, let's get back at someone for giving an opinion!

This is the Internet, 38... Everyone knows opinions aren't allowed.

41- Yet EVERYONE shares their opinions over the Internet, whether we want them or not. The very basis of fmylife is to pass judgment on whether OP deserved it or not. Opinion. Get real, girl.

Sounds like someone didn't get the sarcasm. (#50)

Props to you OP for having the courage to post it. I would never be able to do that•

KinkyCurly 13

Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

OP, if you're reading, don't listen to #9! Where there's a will, there's a way! Even if it boils down to just the fact that you love doing it (or get some kind of intrinsic reward out of it), that is reason enough to keep doing it.

Good on you for posting it. It takes courage and your so called friend could've been a little nicer, however you're not going to please everyone. Expect some criticism.

there is a line between criticism and rude insults.

perdix 29

#10, it seems he didn't please *anyone*!

As long as I can't offer any sort of comfort, if it's not any good then I'm not going to lie, I can say: all musicians start somewhere. This is just a beginning, carry on and it could be something great.