By xetsa - 13/02/2010 05:23 - France

Today, I realized for the last year that my husband has been home from Iraq, I haven't gotten more than a few hours of sleep at night. Not because he gets nightmares, but because he now snores so loud that the pets sleep at the other end of the house to get rest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 728
You deserved it 3 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a bummer for you. It's not like he could have been killed in Iraq or anything.


He may be suffering from sleep apnea. you should consult a doctor on this.

spiderlady87 0

Be glad all your husband does is snore! My husband (three time Iraq vet,soon Afghan vet) has nightmare every night, from having to watch his friends burn to death in a humvee! And that's just the nice things I can say on here, wouldn't want to know what else he has to deal with! (and yes he has seen a DR and been to therapy)

yea wtf..he could have died and ur complaning about his snoring..go sleep on the couch and try to understand what it's like to be in a battle situation..

a lot of guys come back with ear, nose, throat and respiratory problems. my husband did on his second tour, he never snored and now apparently he does (haven't seen him yet) and he has asthma now. He's not the only one like this and neither is your husband. Be thankful that's all he came back with and get him checked out by the dr

Exactly. Whatever happened to being grateful that he's okay?

He could have post traumatic stress disorder and wake up screaming every hour in the night, and your life is ****** because he snores? Consider yourself lucky since a lot of soldiers don't have the luxury of getting through a night's sleep. Jeeze buy him some nasal strips or some throat spray. Problem solved. No big deal. Plus you'll probably get used to it eventually anyway.

chrisinator13 5

you didn't have to put he came from Iraq because people shouldn't know that and get some ear plugs

i would say consider yourself lucky that your husband came home ALIVE from Iraq. who gives a shit if he snores a little bit.

RKftw 0

at least doesn't shoot holes through his ceiling. be gratful he isn't dead