By Tired Girlfriend - 14/06/2017 22:00

Today, it's 2am. I've been trying to get to sleep for the past two hours next to my snoring boyfriend. Every time I nudge him to shut him up, his body tenses, he farts, then goes straight back to snoring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 889
You deserved it 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe go to another room or bed OP, because you have to rest. Best of luck..

I have to do this to my husband. I tell him to roll onto his side (Which stops the snoring). He's a heavy sleeper and I'm a very light sleeper. When he rolls back, I just do it again. It can really suck. The way OP writes it seems he doesn't even wake, his body just reacts.


Well, no one has ever said love always smells nice...

Maybe go to another room or bed OP, because you have to rest. Best of luck..

ImminentDisaster 12

How would nudging him stop him snoring? By waking him up so he can't sleep either?

I have to do this to my husband. I tell him to roll onto his side (Which stops the snoring). He's a heavy sleeper and I'm a very light sleeper. When he rolls back, I just do it again. It can really suck. The way OP writes it seems he doesn't even wake, his body just reacts.

UNfml1979 4

It changes up the sleep cycle

Suaria 38

I nudge my boyfriend when he snores. It usually stops him snoring and usually doesn't wake him up.

Two words: Butt plug Or two other words: New boyfriend.

"he's not snoring through his asshole" omg I love this comment. laughing so hard right now

Farting is snoring through the asshole.

Or more logically it is called sleep apnea. My husband did that for YEARS, finally got a sleep study done. He is on a CPAP now and it is a night and day difference.

Yes, that's more logical, but not nearly as hilarious as a butt plug.

Taylor Caldwell 10

That may be fine for one night. But if the bf is a regular/ serial snorerthing he should =. OrrrHope it's a comfortable couched the time though or its not worth it. Also some people don't have a couch. Small rooms may work better with 2 recliners.

My husband has a deviated septum because of a couple of nose breaks. He snores like he's drowning in oatmeal. We've been together almost 9 years, and I still get sleepless nights. The best advice I can give you is to go to bed first lol

Either you get earplugs or see if your BF can get a sleep machine.

1 word-EARPLUGS i had to get used to them. You can still hear, but really muted.

Dumper420 3

Use freaking ear plugs. No sympathy for people who are too stupid to figure that out...

I cannot stand the feeling of them, and they do not work 100%. I can still hear through them, and the snoring also vibrates the bed. You really think us, the people who live with this, haven't tried? It's like asking someone who can't see well if they've tried glasses. No sympathy! /s Thanks Captain obvious!