By ashamed - 20/01/2016 19:00 - Germany

Today, I realized how much of a nutter my mother really is as she decided to write on a high visibility vest a "warning" that all foreigners, especially refugees, want to rape German women. She now wants to wear it each and every day in our hometown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 271
You deserved it 1 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I can kind of understand where's she's coming from because of what happened in Cologne 3 weeks ago; but it's not fair tarnishing all "foreigners" with the same brush...

I cant understand where shes coming from at all, logically. The US and UK have the highest rape and sexual assault rates in the world yet you dont see British or American women wearing vests warning against British or American men? They even start relationships with them and are friends etc.

amileah13 26

She's the type of person you definitely don't want to hang around when she wears that.

Ethnic Germans and the native populations of other European countries face an existential threat from waves of "refugees/migrants/asylum seekers", which mostly consist of young, fighting-age men in their prime. These "refugees" bring with them a culture and religion that are incompatible with Western values, particularly in regards to the treatment of women. That fact, coupled with the already low birth rates of native populations, will inevitably lead to social unrest caused by friction between foreign invaders and increasingly nationalistic natives that rightly sense that they and their way of life are in very real danger of being supplanted. But hey, at least you can smugly signal to everyone here how "lol crazy, right guys?" your mom is and what a tolerant soul you are.

In reality half the refugees are doing that, and Europe is going to shit because of it.

I mean she was pretty much right if you reflect on it