By stopstutteringforSiri - 05/01/2014 21:59 - United States

Today, I realized I'm so socially awkward that I can't even talk to Siri without stuttering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 984
You deserved it 6 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zgomon 10

Well she is rather intimidating.

Change it to the male voice to avoid further issues operating Siri.


Maybe talking to Siri could be the first babystep you take towards being able to talk normally with others. At least she won't judge you

Sirius does judge you. She's actually quite the asshole.

SavannahSunshine 26
buttcramp 21
ChaoticDreamer21 12

Don't worry! You'll find someone that you feel completely at ease with and comfortable to talk to. A lot of people have trouble socializing. You could also try simply talking to people online at first and slowly make your way up from there.

That's actually a good idea! Or... It could end up being an awful idea, because so many people on the internet are asshats. They just have to be careful and need to remember not to take strangers comments too personally.

I'm the same, I used to get picked on about it...

Acknowledgement is the first step towards improvement.

Sounds like a Siri-ous problem you got there mate.

gazettefan42 8
Girlie7 11

You can probably type it then...

Write down questions or statements on a piece of paper and practice them in the mirror. Then work your way to Siri, and later, hopefully, real people. You have to be comfortable with yourself before you are comfortable around others.