By stopstutteringforSiri - 05/01/2014 21:59 - United States

Today, I realized I'm so socially awkward that I can't even talk to Siri without stuttering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 980
You deserved it 6 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zgomon 10

Well she is rather intimidating.

Change it to the male voice to avoid further issues operating Siri.


Well I guess you could practice talking to Siri before moving to a real person. I mean she can't really judge or reject you so really it's the perfect thing to practice talking to. (:

Wizardo 33
cheshireau 26

I don't care what any of you say, he's fired.

semper_fi_celia 9
photogodess 13

Honestly, try doing an online game such as world of Warcraft. Slowly start chatting with ppl in trade chat or in a guild and work up your confidence. After about 6-12 months you should be able to communicate with others in public, wish you the best of luck op

Barrens chat is a great place to start. It'll do wonders for your confidence and you'll learn a lot about your mother's out-of-the-house activities