By Anonymous - 10/01/2014 23:05 - United States

Today, I realized I willingly support my boyfriend's alcoholism, because the only time he says "I love you" is when he's blind drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 466
You deserved it 17 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you being an enabler will eventually kill him wow that's a nice selfish true love huh

If the only time he loves you is when he's drunk, you need let him go and find someone who truly cares about you.


MermaidAnnariea 10

this made me so sad. i'm sorry, op, everyone deserves someone who REALLY loves them.

Him getting shitfaced drunk is not a good thing, but I love how people only pull the "drunk words are sober thoughts" card when the drunkie is spewing vile dialogue.

If that's the only time he says it, I'm with everyone who says he doesn't actually mean it. Stop enabling, and stop dating him.

Get out now while you can, believe me. I've been through it too. It may hurt now, but it will only hurt more later, and it may be the kick in the ass he needs to try and turn things around for himself.

Seriously? How low can you get??? It's cool to slowly kill him... No big deal!! I think u both need help and he needs to dump Ur ass

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You're an enabler with low self-esteem. If you truly loved him you wouldn't help him destroy himself.

oh nooo no nooo honey, you need to dip out