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By paradox - 07/02/2009 07:23 - United States

Today, I realized my best friend has had it off in my apartment more times than I have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 425
You deserved it 5 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flushmeoutnow 0

then start having sex in your apartment and then you can quit bitching about it this is like a wake up call bro if your best friend has ****** in your apartment and you haven't, it's your god telling you to grow some balls and bring your girl home and **** like their is no tommorow


flushmeoutnow 0

then start having sex in your apartment and then you can quit bitching about it this is like a wake up call bro if your best friend has ****** in your apartment and you haven't, it's your god telling you to grow some balls and bring your girl home and **** like their is no tommorow

Precisely, and if you cannot manage that, at least **** a doll and play an audio of a girl moaning in the background. Problem solved.

ThatGuyInClass 5
archviewmx 0
Eir_fml 1

I wouldn't let a friend of mine do that in my apartment unless he was my roommate or something and I couldn't really help it.

James_ 0

I have more sex than my friend in his appartment... in his bed. Make a big mess everytime

mindless_fml 0
super_sooshi 0

So have sex in his apartment.

^ Unless you guys live in the same apartment...

Danielcremeans 0

You need to get laid more! LOL