By Less Friendship, More Cash - 06/05/2016 11:54 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, I realized one of my best friends was only friends with me because I would take her shopping, spoil her regularly, and help her out financially. She moved to another province and only contacted me whenever she wanted money. After I refused a couple of times, she deleted me on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 780
You deserved it 2 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazy_bananas 31

You are a really good person, but you should probably stop doing all that for everyone. See who your real friends are OP.

Though it sucks right now, it's good you found this out and can move on - unhealthy friendships are not friendships worth keeping.


things like this happen to almost everyone... It's a lesson of friendship that you must learn to survive in this world. ; p

That sucks OP. But you're better off. This person was NEVER your friend. You sound like a nice person. Find people that will appreciate you and the things you do. Not just your wallet. Best of luck OP.

Shay_Shay97 23

She wasn't worthy of being your best friend OP. She was just a leech. You're way better off without her.

Good riddance to bad baggage, OP. I've been there. Just walk away from it knowing you were the good friend even though she never was.

that is absolutely horrible, but atleast now you know... so that you can be careful the next time with others.

XxGaLaXy_HiTzxX 14

Say you are In a financial crisis and that you need money to all the people who say they are your "friends" if they help you they are if they don't they aren't good luck

"Say you are In a financial crisis and that you need money to all the people who say they are your "friends" if they help you they are if they don't they aren't good luck" So in this paradigm of yours, anyone who's broke and can't help OP out wouldn't be a friend. Friendship isn't about money, hoss.

She very clearly took advantage of you whenever possible, so her deleting you is a blessing. You want to distance yourself as much as possible from those kinds of people. I have had experiences with people (mostly women, but some dudes, too) who either ask for exorbitant amounts of money or will only meet you if they can benefit from it financially, and for those reasons, I am forced to cut them off. Real friends are hard to come by.

Ruskiy_Cherep 18

Dont really know who ur real friends are to u hit rock bottom! The ones who stay through thick n thin are the real ones

Jesus I'm sorry. That really sucks.

fake friends suck. if she calls you greedy for not helping her just tell her that you're not the one that used them for money and gave nothing back