By Anonymous - 03/12/2014 18:34 - United States - Hartford

Today, I realized that although I'm dating the most loveable, caring and genuine man, the fact that he's a crack addict means I'll never be his drug of choice when he needs a hit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 938
You deserved it 21 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely the fact he takes crack is concern enough?

OP, shouldn't you be more worried that he's a crack addict?


Surely the fact he takes crack is concern enough?


Ever seen Requiem for a Dream? If not, go watch it, that movie will set your priorities straight when it comes to drugs ;P

It sounds like the FML was from a bag of weed

iLike2Teabag 27

Ever lived in a city where the mayor does crack? That is clearly a man in a position of power who doesn't have his priorities straight.

Lol ahh gotta love our now ex mayor haha

OP can love him without endorsing his habit.

OP, shouldn't you be more worried that he's a crack addict?

I would be just be a tiny bit concerned... But in all seriousness, run away while you still can OP. The fact that he's an addict can screw up your life in the long term.

mafuyu_fml 10

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64, you pretty much just went against yourself with that. your point says stay with him for the wild ride until shit gets too far gone. Why wait until that point? Thats stupid

mafuyu_fml 10

#65, Because there have been a million of success stories. Obviously her BF isn't violent yet. If we all started giving up on somebody who's going through a rough time, what would mankind become then? I'm not suggesting she should stay with him and do nothing, but rather help him. If it doesn't work, she can still leave him. Trust me, there are always signs. Don't forget, even though he's an addict, she described him as if he was a gem. Like I say, no background story. We can't really judge here. Neither me nor you. No suggestion at this point is valid or invalid.

I personally don't see how the drugs won't affect her life. It might not be right away but it definitely will! The fact that he is spending so much money on them, probably going into debt for them or choosing to spend money on the drugs over food or rent money, he may want her money for them as well or if they have a joined income/bills than that's an issue. Then there's the emotional toll it will take. People are different when they are on drugs, he may be completely zoned out and spending a lot of his down time like that instead of spending it with her, or the drugs could make him anxious, depressed, violent etc, again all influencing her. And then there's the lies and stories that addicts tend to tell when they are on drugs, it's hard to trust them and expect any honesty. Personally, I would not even consider being with him unless he is trying to get off them and is going to go on some sort of rehab program. It's one thing to be with someone and support them as they try and get off those horrible drugs, it's another thing entirely to be with someone that takes them and has no plans to ever give them up. He will build up a tolerance and will want more which will only cost more money, make side effects greater and the risk of overdose that much higher. Don't stay with him Op unless he is trying to get clean.

Do not stay with him, unless he is actively trying to get better. Unfortunately, no one can force an addict to quit. He'll have to do it when he's ready, whenever he hits his personal rock bottom. It may be jail, a mental institute, the morgue OR it could be when he loses you and other people he cares about. I went through almost the exact situation with my ex husband. I stuck it out for a year after he started using. Worst year of my life and walking away was the best thing I've ever done. He was the most caring, amazing man I had ever known. He was a wonderful father and an even better husband, but cocaine killed the man I married. Even if he gets clean, he'll never be the man I used to know. Get out, OP!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#66 Only problem with that is she can't help him if he doesn't help himself. She can try until she's blue in the face but unless he WANTS to change, it's not going to do any good.

LOL, you've got your priorities in check. Not.

Sounds that you care enough, try getting him some help then.

I'd make a wise crack here but I don't think it's appropriate.

Your first mistake is dating a crack addict.

Wouldn't "the most lovable, caring and genuine man" atleast try and beat his addiction?

cjwayy 22

Everyone has their vice. But smoking crack is kind of a bad one lol

eh, it's very addictive and he might not realize it's a problem yet.

The fact that you tried it would be a problem. Drugs are bad, mkay.

I've never met a loveable drug addict. Sadly the addiction usually takes away those pieces of a person.

Your lack of concern for his crack addiction worries me...

You have it all wrong you don't date crack addicts you date guys like Chris Brown and Ray Rice you will definitely be their drug of choice when they need a hit

FilleNoir 21

Why does CB always get chastised for what happened years ago! He was young and stupid, so was Rhianna. There are many celebs who have put their hands on women and go on like nothing happened and people forget. But people can't let go of CB's. Charlie Sheen & Christian Bale both put their paws on woman, Bale beat his sister.... But hey it's funnier if we just stick with Chris. #boybye

aka_Specs 7