By Matt - 15/10/2009 23:17 - United States

Today, I realized that choosing to live in the honors dorms was a terrible mistake. Quiet hours start at 6 PM and the only exception is if you are a member of the university marching band, which means you can practice your instrument at anytime in the lounge... located next to my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 149
You deserved it 4 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask for a transfer... ...Otherwise, earplugs might work. Quiet hours, though? Tell your preschool teacher that you don't want naptime. Hold your breathe and stomp your feet until she lets you make some NOYZE, biznatch.

Tasers don't make much noise... can you use them after 6pm? Don't be a victim.


Hey, you made the right choice. You want to be on the right side when we nerds take our sweet revenge. It will be much more brutal than in the movie. We have lightsabers.

when scifi nerds and medieval nerds unite, the world shall come to an end.....there will be magical elves running around with lightsavers! o.o. it's gunna ve epic :3

armageddillo 0

go into the lounge and strike up a conversation, if you can't persuade them to not play there, at the very least you keep them from playing while you and they talk. Who knows, maybe you'll make a friend.

perdix 29

Why are you complaining? Free music! Think of all the money you'll save on iTunes, or the secret visits from RIAA ninjas who harvest your kidney for all the music you've pirated.

I can't believe this really, I don't know any music majors who don't go practise in the band hall or music building.... except the classical guitar majors and they sit outside most of the time.

Not everyone in the marching band is a music major...

Still, they don't practice in the dorms...

delfinofrank 0

YDI for going to UMD. I assume you're living in Denton Hall. That's one of the shittiest dorms on campus.

username102 0

Not UMD.... do you go to Towson Uni?

trustmetristessa 0

Haha, ten bucks says he does and he's in Richmond. Just call the RA on duty next time and one of them will tell your bandie to STFU.

Didn't you check out the rules of the honors dorm before you moved in?

zrhcrx 0

At my school, the people on the honors floor are the most fun people i have ever met...i have woken up there many times and not remembered how i got there..

rieb13 0

I'm pretty sure I go to the school you're talking about since it says Maryland and that 6pm quiet hours must be new cause when I lived in the honors dorm we just got drunk every night.