This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By DoomsDay - 06/05/2016 14:23

Today, I realized that even though I'm marrying my fiancée in 2 weeks, I don't even love her any more. The only reason I'm doing it is because I don't want to upset her or her family, because they think I'm the best thing that ever happened to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 120
You deserved it 18 293

Top comments

You'll hurt her greatly if you don't marry her. But you'll hurt both of you so much more if you marry her without loving her. Better to endure a great pain for a while than live years in a lie.

IAm123 24

Don't get married, then. When she finds out she would have wished not to get married to you.


Don't get married. It's a huge mistake

Stop the insanity abdominal just hope her parents can get the down payments back!!!!

courtzzz23 17

do not marry her. don't waste her life. don't make her think you love her when you dont

tounces7 27

I think it's reasonable to ask yourself WHY you don't love her anymore, before you've even gotten married. Most people don't fall out of love between proposing and marrying(unless you had a REALLY long engagement), so what would cause this? Perhaps it's something that can be fixed.

Don't marry her. It'll be awful to leave her so close before the wedding, but it'll fade for both of you. If you marry her, you will both likely end up resenting each other. You because you don't love her and will wish you were free to find someone you do love and her because she WILL find out you don't feel the same way she does. She deserves to be with someone who truly loves her and you deserve to be with someone you love. Maybe you'll fall back in love with her or maybe you'll be happy enough to be satisfied with the marriage, but there's no guarantee. Set yourselves free so you can both find someone you love and loves you in return.

don't make her waste her time marrying someone who doesn't love her, when she could be finding the right man for her.

ezrajab 22

That's soo sad. You have to do what you feel is right op better to have a little guilt for not marrying her than live a lie and be miserable listen to your gut and preserver

Save her the heartbreak and end it now before spending years living a lie then hurting her even more later one...and also before kids come into the picture then she's stuck with you

Translation: "Here's and insult! Now do what I say!" How people justify insults as constructive or at all helpful is still a thing that confounds me. It's almost like when someone calls someone an idiot for something they did wrong, but never explaining why it is you called them that, so they will most likely continue doing what you believe is wrong. What was really accomplished?