By liveviathetredmill - 01/10/2012 20:04 - United States - New York

Today, I realized that every targeted advertisement on my Facebook involves gym memberships and diet pills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 007
You deserved it 5 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

I know it's not true, but I always imagine an office full of evil Facebook employees picking the most offensive advertisments possible for every user.


ozone9914 2
hopsinlove17 26

It never once mentioned OP was fat...

Mine says something about bubble witch. WTF FML?

Facebook is a ******* bitch! Quick, go on Facebook and rant about how much of a bitch it is! Wait...

KiddNYC1O 20

Mine says dream dresses. Maybe I should take up cross dressing?

Facebook ads are based off you Google searches and Internet history to relate to you. You had to of looked it up yourself sometime.

I think it's had to **have looked it up.....idk maybe not.

#28, you're right. It's "have", because that's how you form the present perfect simple (conjugated form of "have" + past participle). Isn't grammar fun? :D

Marrach 7

Well, if that's the case.. Doc, chill out. I thought you had medical books already.. If that is the type of asses and holes you were searching....

ladydragonstars 23

This is why adblockers are awesome.

perdix 29

All my Facebook ads are for MySpace :(

unknown_user5566 26

When MySpace finally died, all of their employees had to go somewhere. They must be using Facebook as a means to bring people back to the Dark Side.

perdix 29

MySpace didn't literally die. Maybe to the non-loser community it effectively died, but the site remains. You can log in using your Facebook info. Second Life is still cool, right?

perdix 29

#61, wait, are you telling me that the $49.99 a month I pay to be on MySpace may not be worth it? It's cheaper than the $69.99 they want for Facebook.

KiddNYC1O 20
kittenvks 11

79- ill thumb you up, in its day MySpace was awesome, of course I can't really be a judge of what used to be awesome as I was a rabid BSB fan at one point.... shhhh

Those Facebook ads are based off of your Google search history. If those ads are showing up, you probably google'd dieting at some point.

totheforest84 4

Why then am I getting McDonald's adds when I've never searched them and am disgusted by the idea of eating their slop food?

peachyFML 17

They are trying to convert you. Have you ever searched for organic food?

MiloBear 11

I don't think it's based on Google searches. My family shares one computer and my mom and sister get different ads than me. My ads are always telling me to become an egg donor for some reason.

kittenvks 11

I read that in Jane's voice... I miss that show :(

Hmm. My ad is a sexy woman pointing at me, telling me to become a personal trainer. Well played, FML staff, well played.