By liveviathetredmill - 01/10/2012 20:04 - United States - New York

Today, I realized that every targeted advertisement on my Facebook involves gym memberships and diet pills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 007
You deserved it 5 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

I know it's not true, but I always imagine an office full of evil Facebook employees picking the most offensive advertisments possible for every user.


And "Ninja Royale" on mine. Should I become a Japanese James Bond? But I'm not Asian...

Holy cow... EVERY fml I read, you've commented on.

Nothing wrong with that 36 she's funny, respect Noor.

38- Yeah. The bastard calls me green bean as a reply to half of my comments.

Megan98 18

My advertisements usually consist of hot singles ready to meet me now. O_o

unknown_user5566 26

If Facebook truly does create ads based on your Google searches, that must mean you watch A LOT of ****.

thetguy 4

Hey now easy, we all go through what is called a dry spell, and that usually consists of ALOT of **** and one night stands with unusually repulsive girls/guys depending on the preference, so I can relate...

the_anti_hipster 7

69--apparently it's tough out there for a 17 yr old. Mom's driving them on dates, can't go into R movies, can't buy cigs...oh the humanity!

Megan98 18

Lol, I don't watch **** truthfully.

mayley 16

Are they actually targeted? Mine just seem to come up with a huge variety of things

thetguy 4

All the advertisement I get on my Facebook is,"Are you lonely? Find singles near you!" Thanks Facebook..

Kyat - Noor gets paid for every comment she makes, and she gets a bonus for every response to her comments. So I'm sure she appreciates your generous support.