By liveviathetredmill - 01/10/2012 20:04 - United States - New York

Today, I realized that every targeted advertisement on my Facebook involves gym memberships and diet pills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 007
You deserved it 5 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

I know it's not true, but I always imagine an office full of evil Facebook employees picking the most offensive advertisments possible for every user.


They put up ads that relate to your posts. For example, when I click on my post about The Ready Set, the advertisement is for PETA with Jordan Witzigreuter advertising for them.

truckdriver321 3

Haha you have to take up 1 airplane seat or two?

They target ads to demographics. If you are a young adult female, you get diet pills. Change your birth year to 1923. My ads are all about retirement.

I get ads for all the time. Facebook thinks that the fact I'm gay is wrong then...

Evilpirate 10

The Facebook adds are based on your likes and what you look up. lol

blackvyper 8

Facebook uses links you've clicked, pages you liked, info on your page, etc. to find advertisements that they think you will be most likely to click on. :)

Awwww all I get are Christian Mingle and Meet Black Men

Someone's been on the prowl for a heavenly piece of dark chocolate ;).

Don't worry, I get the same stuff and also women who want me to untie their bikinis and I'm being very honest when I tell you I have NEVER looked up something like that. Maybe you've accidentally clicked one or two of them (which sometimes happens to me when my touchpad freaks out)?