By Emily J. - 18/06/2011 00:31 - United States

Today, I realized that I text my boyfriend more than I see him. He's my next door neighbor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 472
You deserved it 38 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then get the hell away from your computer screen and to talk to him or something. I mean why the hell not if you live 15 seconds away?


BabyGirll_0620 0
obliviously_me 0

People don't realize how hard it is, I saw this and had to comment. My boyfriend of almost a year and a half is also my neighbor and in the past two weeks I've hung out with him once, sad part? He's not a texter... And I STILL text him more than see him. Just because he's your neighbor doesn't make it easy - just makes it less of a commute... I feel your pain :(

Really are you that lazy to walk over to his house Like what 10 seconds why texts when you can get laid

limeyellow666 0

I think I know who wrote this but don't worry, since I've been dating him, I treat him way better than that!

You should switch it up a bit. Try Facebooking him. ;D (...facebooking?)

GoBolts 12

You've got to take the initiative and go over there unannounced! :)

I would see my gf all day every day the moment she got off work or school wats wrong with u seriously!!!!!!!!

Jvd0528 0

Ok, if you're over the age of 12, wth are you doing? At least call the guy and get him to meet in between your houses or something! Good lord, I'd kill to live that close to my girlfriend. Idk, maybe he's a pussy and just doesn't do the whole "talking" business

maybe instead of going on FML , you can just walk over to his house to make plans ir something ? -.-