By Emily J. - 18/06/2011 00:31 - United States

Today, I realized that I text my boyfriend more than I see him. He's my next door neighbor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 472
You deserved it 38 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then get the hell away from your computer screen and to talk to him or something. I mean why the hell not if you live 15 seconds away?


go to walmart, buy walkie-talkies, and use them instead. It's like 40bajillion times more fun. Plus it'll add a cool dimension to your relationship that will be hard for him to ever imagine with anyone else.

I think just about every girl wishes her boyfriend lived next door to her! Take advantage of it and go see him

dragondude123 8

ok well if u think about it if u see eachother too much it might actually hurt ur relationship

mxij 13

A shame that society has come to that