By Anonymous - 18/06/2011 01:26 - Israel
Same thing different taste
Dumbo's jumbo dungo
By Anonymous - 23/09/2019 20:00 - Australia
Lonely but tidy
By anon - 30/10/2024 20:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/11/2013 01:29 - United States
Life is life
By Anonymous - 08/03/2023 00:00 - Canada - Montréal
By Anonymous - 07/11/2009 00:29 - United States
By bridetobe - 22/07/2011 04:23 - United States
By Ellencrazee - 13/08/2011 10:22 - United Kingdom
Good boy
By fall3nrain - 11/09/2009 21:07 - United States
By latino14 - 15/06/2012 11:27 - United States - Annapolis
Life's a beach
By squishylog - 12/08/2011 07:44 - United States
Top comments
Elephants are cool though.
Well OP, maybe you could go volunteer at a homeless shelter, donate some time to charities. Or continue being lazy like me :D
No, of course not!
ooo what channel? o wait Israel. damn.
I bet the cgi in that was intense.
I thought that sounded like a good time!
Why did you censor "butt"?
18 - You can't blame him. The penis is the best part.
You got me there. (:
10- Why did you change your picture ? :O I really did enjoy the smoking turtle.
Ahaha I just asked this same question. Best part.
I've seen that too!!! Nasty!
such a nasty video lol
the penis is only the best part because it's huge but it would've been fun
me too!!!!
you're at a party, but are still reading and commenting FML's? No my good sir, fYl.
Because this week you worked on your British accent?
kudos on the previous fml reference, but I see your dp as more of win then a fail. who else is going to have a Beamer donkey?
I'm parrying too.
good I am not alone!! lol
It's possible she could, if all she does is sit there watching T.V. she could be suffocating or starving, the poor thing may be watching what will happen to her in a matter of days ;( P.S. YDI
She might be a "room elephant", however. Level 6: OH HELL NAW!!
Don't feel bad, elephants are cool :)
Party tiiime!
Pshh not even. More like the decomposing of whales ( which I am proud to say I have watched before ). We are commenting on their giant stupidity right?
This is like my favorite comment ever! God, I hate those beasts...
17. ever see the one about the whale that blew in taiwan? middle of a city street and the decomp gasses caused it to blow. it was great...
Haha, I love EpicMealTime!
Aw hell naw. You are so dumb, yo really dumb, fo' REAL. Werd.
Oh Sirin. Get it ggiiirrrrlllffrrriiieeenndd. Lemme hold your earrings giiirrrlll. He is probably gonna correct this too. 8)
Ahh, gotta love those people who don't realize there is a big world outside of their town, and -gasp- these other places have differences from their own little bubble.
She could have been trying to help OP's English skills. OP is from Israel (OP's native language is probably Hebrew).
If you're talking about ENGLISH language skills, as opposed to U.S.ian language skills, you fail completely, lol. The correct English spelling is indeed "realised" =)
Yes, and both realized and realised are correct. It just depends on where you are from. In the U.S, we use the "z".
Yes, you do - which is why I differentiated between English and U.S.ian =)
122 - Why are you saying U.S.ian? Just say American. o.o
Because I don't know how people in Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, etc spell the word. There is more to America than the U.S. you know... At least, I hope you know =)

Elephants are cool though.
Did a Hyena come along and eat out his b-hole?