By Emily J. - 18/06/2011 00:31 - United States

Today, I realized that I text my boyfriend more than I see him. He's my next door neighbor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 472
You deserved it 38 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then get the hell away from your computer screen and to talk to him or something. I mean why the hell not if you live 15 seconds away?


DezzeyXNichole 0

That's pathetic. Get your lazy ass off your couch and go see him. Like, SERIOUSLY. I'd kill to live next to my boyfriend.

knock on his window and hang out with him

FMLsOhilarious 6

That's society today. YDI for not going next door to see him.

notsoluckypup 12

So do I...because I'm in a long distance relationship. (Sure puts things in perspective...)

perdix 29

Maybe the OP and her boyfriend are also in an LDR. They could each live in enormous houses on giant estates . . . perhaps on adjacent mountains!

alexandria14 0

same with me! but my boyfriend that I have had for a long time would rather text me all the time then see me! I hate it.

dont let yourself! tell him how you feel if not dump him. he should appreciate that your with him!

then it's time for u to go take a small walk!!!!

Yeah, cause that looooong walk from your house to his is like a billion miles. Better not risk it. Someones dog could come up and eat you.

Ahh the joys of living in the age of technology. Pretty soon there's basically going to be no human interaction... I dread that day. I personally would rather do pretty much anything in person than over the phone, through a text, or by using the computer.

carolv22 0

Thanks. :) I really need to put a picture up of her as a puppy. She was absolutely, incredibly adorable then.

The puppy you are holding is adorable as well. :) See, the OP just needs a dog so they won't feel as alone on Friday nights.

datgirl 0

Maybe OP's bf works a lot and they don't have time to see each other. My bf is my neighbor too and we text more than we see each other because we're both pretty busy.

flyboy30364 0

ok so I don't see this as a major problem... I mean come on yes you should go and see him more often but the truth is unless you live with a person you will probably spend more time using countless pieces of technology to talk to them. my girl lives like 10 minutes away I don't text her every second because I'm not whipped but I do spend more time on the phone and texting then I do in person. I see her probably 6 out of the 7 days a week.

wow lucky you! i only see my bf twice a week the most and he lives 15 mins away. it just depends on the situation if we are busy or not yet the less you hangout the more you both appreciate the time you spend with eachother and less arguing! :)