By Emily J. - 18/06/2011 00:31 - United States

Today, I realized that I text my boyfriend more than I see him. He's my next door neighbor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 472
You deserved it 38 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then get the hell away from your computer screen and to talk to him or something. I mean why the hell not if you live 15 seconds away?


RainbowHeadache 2

I wish I could be that close to my boyfriend. He lives 300 miles away. No one is going to feel sorry for you, OP when all you have to do is walk outside to solve your "problem".

it's simple: get up, walk downstairs, go outside, walk a few steps to the next house, then knock on the door and I'm sure he'll answer. there! was that so hard?

wow people are lazy on here. but for all we know it's not op's fault maybe it's the bf's fault not inviting op over or visa versa.

wow hon. that's sad. that's just sad. just get up off your ass and walk the 20 secs it takes to see him!

hubla 0

he may be gay and may or may not be using you as a cover up

AnimalLover1031 8

Wow that's , well kind of pathetic.

No, it IS pathetic. She is a lazy ass.

AnimalLover1031 8

Yeah shows how much she loves her boyfriend -_-

He can always come over to see her

It's not that hard to walk two feet over op

Wow you guys are too lazy! That's your own fault because if I lived next door to my boyfriend I'd be over there many more times than I text him.

I don't think their relationship will last long enough for them to hang out.. Even as we comment they're probably broke up now.