By Damnit - 17/11/2011 18:11 - United States

Today, I realized that in my relationship with my significant other, the roles are switched. We went out for a nice dinner, I paid, and when we got home he "had a headache" and asked for an aspirin so he could go to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 247
You deserved it 6 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Welcome to the 21st century where people are people and there are no "roles".


People are allowed to say you're ignorant because although we don't know you personally. You still stated your opinion on something, and sadly for you it was a bad statement. That reflects a part of your personality. You're pretty one-sided

bizarre_ftw 21

What kinky shit are you into that getting punched in the dick would give you a boner?

bizarre_ftw 21

There are 365 days per week?! O.O SHIT!!!!!! I think I failed preschool!!! I only know six!! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, extension of Saturday night that starts after I go to sleep and ends when I wake up Monday morning.

bizarre_ftw 21

53 - we may not be the same but we are equal in right and worth, there is a difference

I honestly do not see the problem here. He didn't do anything worthy of a FML. He had a headache so what? You think only females get headaches ? Before you hate me , let me just state that I am a girl myself.

Ask him if he's got a head-ache in his dick head. If not, he should stop complaining. You're not stuffing anything in his "head".

joy118 5

Hopefully she's not "stuffing" anything anywhere... she's a girl lol

Wow, way to live in the past. So, in your world the guy pays while the woman gets waited on hand and foot?

Thats not too bad. For the last 2 weeks I (male) have been doing the cooking and cleaning, while she sits playing xbox!

StromyG2 10
bradserbert 0

Sounds like someone have a secret lover