By henrylikestreats - 30/04/2015 18:04 - United States - Mayer

Today, I realized that my new haircut makes me look like a movie star. Not Scarlett Johansson, no. I look like Lord Farquaad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 702
You deserved it 4 651

henrylikestreats tells us more.

All of these puns have me in tears, I swear. I am currently growing out my hair after cutting it all off to be donated. It has gone through every awkward stage imaginable, including the constantly-in-my-eyes stage, the is-it-long-enough-for-a-ponytail stage, and, of course, the mullet. After a few weeks of dealing with the mullet, I decided to cut it, and that is how I ended up with this mess. I have heard Shrek quotes everywhere I have gone since and I can't stop laughing at myself. Thank you for making my night, everybody.

Top comments

Should've checked yourself before you shreked yourself


Get some of your friends to get the same haircut. Then call yourselves the Farquaad Star Squad