By Not turnt - 27/07/2015 19:12 - United States - New Hyde Park

Today, I realized the only reason my mom trusts me to stay home alone for long periods of time is because I don't have enough friends to throw a party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 618
You deserved it 2 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Throwing house parties sounds like so much fun, bunch of people trashing your house and you cleaning up after them...


Don't worry you are not the only one!

I don't have friend either, don't feel bad. Lol

Its not trust OP.. Its the wrong belief in you.. You can prove her wrong if you wanted to...

Just tell everyone at your school that your having a banger. Trust me, people will show.

wordygirl 11

uhhh hello??? u got us:) we couldn't trash your house if we tried;)

Oml it's the same with my mom! It's a good thing, trust me.

Your fellow FML users are mostly friendly! Invite us all! (I just hope your house is large enough) Also, I do not do well in large groups, so I would likely not go, but the idea is there for all the others!

ArcheryArtist 20

You really don't need a whole lot of friends to have a party or be happy. Too many people equals too much drama. Not only that but IMO people suck lol. I enjoy being an introvert though so I may be biased.