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By Tomb Raider Wannabe - 18/02/2014 01:57 - Australia - Premer

Today, I was feeling really good about myself for running and walking everywhere so much so that I was out of breath and panting. Well, until I remembered that I was playing a video game and it was my character that was doing the running around that is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 953
You deserved it 43 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've been out of breath playing a video game before just by having my heart rate so high. This isn't unheard of and certainly not something to be shameful about.

To all those people laughing! You will be jealous of OP's muscular thumbs!


First World Probelms it seems. Sorry OP, it does not count as exercise.


She could have been playing Wii Fit

I've been out of breath playing a video game before just by having my heart rate so high. This isn't unheard of and certainly not something to be shameful about.

tompou6 19

It's not bad at all if you feel excited by it, but just panting because of your character running is a bad sign, you might want to go for a real walk/run OP...

JMichael 25

You need to pick up a few stamina boosters. But no I can understand your heart rate going up if the game is really good. But running out of breath? Don't hold it for so long.

katina1236 20

I agree. I do the same. Btw love the name OP tomb raider is generally the game I get out of breath with, and sometimes batman

I meant it as my heart rate is increased due to adrenaline. CoD and Skyrim can provide that kind of excitement at times :) at least for me.

colton_colton 50

And put down the contoller for a change..

arandomusernameaa 20

Putting it down is so much effort though...

buttcramp 21

or do sooooomething active. sometimes when I watch TV I do jumping jacks during the whole commercial break.

To all those people laughing! You will be jealous of OP's muscular thumbs!

If OP was a guy, I'm sure he'd have a muscular right arm, too.

That must be one realistic game if you thought you were the one running.

ThatFancyPenn 18

If OP is a PC gamer they could have been playing a game called DayZ. It is possibly the most realistic game I have ever played.

bobbyguy 17

#24 there are a lot more realistic games. But DayZ is one not the funnest

I lose myself in video games too... You're not alone.

Do you play Skyrim at all? That game is a black hole of space-time.

Meh. Pokemon and Phantasy Star are the big time-eaters for me. And Dark Souls... 100 hours in 2 weeks.

I'm a Skyrim addict. The day I got it I played all day and night, non stop. Maybe two pee breaks and three smoke breaks... Lots of energy drinks were consumed lol

A07 48

Good for you OP, it takes real patience to make your character walk and run in a game. You should still join a gym to experience it for real though.

Why join a gym? I'm sure that there is a perfectly good sidewalk right outside. Best part about it is its free. No monthly fee. Well unless you count the taxes that state takes out. Well OP lives in Australia so they can just go on walk about.

crazytwinsmom 25

maybe that's the reason OP doesn't go outside? Heck I wouldn't exactly be thrilled to go toe to tail with a rattler or a pack of dingos

Now you have the inspiration to do it for real