By usmcgirl - 18/11/2009 03:18 - United States

Today, I realized why my 50 year old Dad's 30 something girlfriend looked so familiar. She is in all my parents wedding photos... as the flower girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 659
You deserved it 2 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude... usually the flowergirl is related to either the bride or groom. Nast


"I do support the "love is blind" belief but most girls that age are looking for a sugar daddy. Cue music to Kanye West's "Golddigger". It's cliche but true." Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm in my 30's and I have a ton of friends the same age and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF US are gold diggers/looking for sugar daddies. Don't make generalzations (sorry sp sucks)

mj2123 0

"Girls"? Um, most WOMEN in their 30s are adults with better things to do than look for some man to take care of them.

Gold digger is the stereotype for girls 18-25. Women who are 30-40 are stereotyped as panicking due to their biological clock. Regardless, why should anyone care about age difference?

...and? How does this **** your life? This has... no impact on your life.

Dad, you rock. Seriously, the only thing I have to say to large age differences in these situations, is you go. Either male or female, if they are in good enough shape and still cool enough to get someone that far away from their own age, then go for it.

Gavik 0

YDI for not letting your dad get in on the jailbait.

Flower girls are generally 5-7. Your dad is 50? How old was he when he was married!??

well, if he's 50 and the girlfriend is 30, that means he was 20 when she was born. so if she was 5-7 as a flower girl, he was 25-27 as the there something wrong with getting married at 25-27, bayybee?