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By RoxMySox - 25/12/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I got into a car accident. I got into it because I noticed a flashy new sign on the highway that read "Being an attentive driver prevents car crashes". Thanks for the notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 442
You deserved it 6 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're American, sue the company! That's what we do.

Do you have to remind yourself to breathe every now and again?


If you're American, sue the company! That's what we do.

acertijo 0

HAHAHAHA everyone sues everyone nowadays

I'd be laughing if this weren't so pitifully true.

YayAmerica 0

I think we need to get the Don't Sue People Panda in here.

dudeitsdanny 9

WIN for the South Park reference, haha

woo 3500th person to vote YDI I would like to thank the world thank you thank you!

thealliance 0

First..... Op: Sell your car and buy a bike...the roads will be much safer without you.

Do you have to remind yourself to breathe every now and again?

NGL, I've seen those signs and I have to wonder, what's the point except massive distraction?

If you can't multitask, you can't drive. Please get off the road. Kthxbye.

It was a test. You fail... Next time, please try removing yourself from the gene pool WITHOUT taking others with you.

dudeitsdanny 9

FYL. Next time just glance. Unless you see "exit" or "closed" or anything of the sort, just ignore it.

Or warning #9. Awesome sighn I must admit though it sucks that you crashed. Hope your car isn't totaled otherwise, your screwed!

Nikki_Wonder 0
flashback.miss 28

so.. you like shiny things...... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA No lyrics just laughter but seriously hope youre ok and next time dont be so easily distracted. i mean its not like edward was standing in front of you.... LOL maybe you need to go back to drivers ed if youre so well.. uh huh yeah.. there werent any seriously injured. still. you got distracted by what you prolly thought was edward so I rule YDI

newsgit 0

what? edward? OP was DISTRACTED by A flashing SIGN on THE road PUT there BY the GOVERNMENT.