By YayItsYasmine - 14/08/2013 16:48 - Austria - Trebesing

Today, I received a lemon in a box in the mail. I didn't know from who it was, nor how he or she knows my address. There was a note on it: "When life gives you lemons, date me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 190
You deserved it 4 344

YayItsYasmine tells us more.

Hey! I got another lemon in a box today, with the same note. But this time, the "Date me" was in caps and there was drawn a smiley on the lemon. I'm kinda getting creeped out, and i still haven't figured out who made it.

Top comments

cottoncandymango 17

Hey, free lemons! Make lemonade. :)


That's a new way of saying 'autoerotique asphyxiation: a fap a day takes your troubles away'.

Stalker! But lemons are used a lot in might be set for awhile...

Too bad that you didn't know who it was, because then you should have burned their house down with the lemon(s) (portal 2, anyone?)

well, you were just a few seconds earlier :s

crisanba 18

Hmm funny that the guys think this is creepy while the girls think its cute curious indeed

Obey_StudBoii 23

That's a sure sign from someone who really likes you. Take this as a opportunity and see who it came from? There's sure to be a return address label.

RedPillSucks 31

Most likely they just put the box in OPs mailbox themselves, rather than having it delivered.

That's sweet yet creepy...I doubt it is a complete stranger though I mean it could be, but I bet it's someone you know who knows where you live.

as per the comment .....we may assume it was life.... after all you got a lemon...enjoy your lemonade :)