By Jayde - 04/02/2012 05:12 - United States

Today, I received a single, hand-made Valentine's card from the weirdest kid in the school. It said, "If you ever get mauled by a bear, I hope he doesn't damage your face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 241
You deserved it 5 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, feel special. At least someone likes you.


I actually find that to be kinda sweet.. He could have said your ****!

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Bears are scary. But box em you'll win the card says so.. Lol.

He could of tried to make it rhyme, but still creative in a morbid sense.

TraceCase_ 19

You should buy some pepper spray to be on the safe side. Works on both bears and weirdos.

Don't be so stuck up. His card is just as good as anyone else's.

Pretty sure the card is something from The Oatmeal.

CasperSnacks 0

That's not that original. He stole it from the iFunny app.

That's sweet. At least he had the balls to give it to you.