By Jayde - 04/02/2012 05:12 - United States

Today, I received a single, hand-made Valentine's card from the weirdest kid in the school. It said, "If you ever get mauled by a bear, I hope he doesn't damage your face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 241
You deserved it 5 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, feel special. At least someone likes you.


It's a shame you don't appreciate this young man today. You will be working a register, while he is a rich and famous writer. All the kids you think are nerds and strange will found major technology companies and be the creative minds that change the world.

zelkova20 0

Dudes got guts, especially going for a girl who's so cold, that even after he gets the guts to give it to you without dying, you still insult him after you've probably done the ol' "I'll be alone/getting nothing on valentines day.." status.

I feel like you made this up to get it posted to reddit or post it your self just to get karma.

That is just the most beautiful thing i have ever heard, he is just so romantic, i know you are going to pursue a relationship with him

USMC_Cpl 5
pinky244987 0

What thw...That was on a picture on iFunny.

Maybe I just have weird taste in men, but I like it :)