By FML - 05/01/2012 15:56 - United States

Today, I received a ticket for not having my headlights on. The cop who pulled me over had a broken headlight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 831
You deserved it 4 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mwrc8man94 1

And cops also go 80 down the road at night without their sirens on. Cops do dangerous and illegal things all the time on the road and since they enforce the laws, no one can stop them. I feel your pain OP

cyK0tek 0

I AM ABOVE THE LAAWW!! **re-gels hair**


dont you just love cops who figure theyre above the law... WE PAY FOR YOUR DONUTS BASTARDS!

Enforcer 7

I can see why the officer would pull you over. I believe the number is around 70% of drivers driving without headlights at night are intoxicated

SonicLuv 2

I think you can take the ticket to court for that because they can't pull you over for that if the same thing is wrong with their car I heard of someone who took the ticket to court and won but you might wanna check

LilliPage 17

There's a big difference in having a headlight out, and having your headlights off. At least he has some form of light to see. Usually, when your headlights are out, so are all the other lights. You get on a street that has no other lighting, and a car doesn't see your car until its too late because your lights were off, and then a wreck. This definitely would not happen to the cop because his lights were on. YDI for thinking having a headlight out is the same as not having your headlights on.

xD Ydi for being that retarded. Even so, the cop is an idiot for not thoroughly inspecting his car before shift. If he did and they made him take it anyway, his boss is an idiot. We get in trouble for having a headlight out we didnt know about, so if they knew theirs was out they should be held accountable like anyone else.

insanelyXnikki 18

Unless it was just starting to get dark or something like that, why would you not have your headlights on?

Because having a BROKEN light is worse than just not having them on at all. YDI

AndelleRae 9

I'm probably wrong about this, but I heard somewhere once that some cop cars come with a feature that allows them to turn one headlight off so they can catch people speeding and whatnot. Something about people not expecting a cop to have a headlight out, so they don't think about doing the speed limit since there is a cop near them. Like I said, I am probably wrong, but if not, maybe this was the case?