By FML - 05/01/2012 15:56 - United States

Today, I received a ticket for not having my headlights on. The cop who pulled me over had a broken headlight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 831
You deserved it 4 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mwrc8man94 1

And cops also go 80 down the road at night without their sirens on. Cops do dangerous and illegal things all the time on the road and since they enforce the laws, no one can stop them. I feel your pain OP

cyK0tek 0

I AM ABOVE THE LAAWW!! **re-gels hair**


gamblesoamc 0

I was a cop. Fight it and you'll win.

OP...What you are talking about? Cop is wrong that's why I am right?

Ah the police! Here they are called Garda, affectionately known to some as the shades and they drive big vans we call paddy wagons. Well one day I was at this fried chicken place ( not kfc) and all of a sudden this screeching sound is heard. I'm at the window seat so I can see a Garda car zoom down a pedestrian lane. Park outside the chicken joint and stroll on in. Was there a crime? Nope it was snackbox time!! I was amazed! The cheeky buggers

YDI for having a broken headlight though...

You stupid tard. If you could read, you'd know that the COP CAR had the broken headlight, you dumb, ignorant shit pile.

Dispute it, it'll take at least 6 months to go to court and when it does the cop probs won't show up anyway so you won't have to pay it, done it 6 times;)

Hey but his light was out, and it up to the station to replace them! You just didn't turn a bloody switch! And two dead lights are far more dangerous than one!!!!

megotswag 0

As soon as he writes you the ticket, give it back to the cop and point to their headlight.

BellaMarta 19

My dad got pulled over once for not using his turn signal. Even though no one was anywhere near where we were, therefore no one to signal to. The cop that pulled him over didn't even have his headlights on until he pulled my dad over.

bigmama3_fml 4