By FML - 05/01/2012 15:56 - United States

Today, I received a ticket for not having my headlights on. The cop who pulled me over had a broken headlight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 831
You deserved it 4 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mwrc8man94 1

And cops also go 80 down the road at night without their sirens on. Cops do dangerous and illegal things all the time on the road and since they enforce the laws, no one can stop them. I feel your pain OP

cyK0tek 0

I AM ABOVE THE LAAWW!! **re-gels hair**


zebralover23 14

Cops are aloud to break the law

If you take it to court and simply say to the judge that he pulled you over for no headlights but he also had his headlights burnt out.... It will drop the ticket from court

someblackguy 3

why diddnt you make a citizens arrest?

Um did you know that if there is any damage to the police car that is pulling him over that he can't give you a ticket?

you know that's actually illegal for the cop to pull you over if there's anything at all wrong with his vehicle like