By FML - 05/01/2012 15:56 - United States

Today, I received a ticket for not having my headlights on. The cop who pulled me over had a broken headlight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 831
You deserved it 4 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mwrc8man94 1

And cops also go 80 down the road at night without their sirens on. Cops do dangerous and illegal things all the time on the road and since they enforce the laws, no one can stop them. I feel your pain OP

cyK0tek 0

I AM ABOVE THE LAAWW!! **re-gels hair**


Or maybe, just maybe...they don't have their lights and sirens on while going to a high priority call because they don't want the robber/wife beater/drug dealer to know they're coming---you know to avoid pesky things like getting shot. Lights at night can be seen really far away and if it's cold and a quiet night sirens can be heard even further. Quit being a whiner, if you want to do that kind of stuff be a cop. But until that point, you don't know what you are talking about.

Absterrrr 6

Do as they say... Not as they do... Double standards.

Ty2win 3

Honestly, it doesn't matter if he had a headlight out. you get a warning for that and just have to fix it. Driving when dark or poor conditions without head lights is your stupidity so ydi.

Pffft, I hate these kinda dirty cops. It happened to me once, I overtake a cop on the highway, he was on the phone laughing... 5 minutes later, he pulled me away because I was changing song on my iPhone... Dick

Abrien 8

That's what the license plate that says exempt on it is for, it excludes those vehicles from alot of traffic regulations, shit sucks, you deal with it. A cop car is also alot easier to notice than your car, not as ikely it gets hit

And it didn't occur to you that he could have just broken it? And besides, that would have been a "fix it" ticket. You not having your lights on is a choice you made to disobey the law. Just sayin'.

SebastianS97 0

Well he had one light on so he's alright...but you didn't have any so that's why you were pulled over you had none of them on so it's a safety hazard....but the world is full of Ironic people :P it's life

Jeeze everybody is getting all worked up over stupid stuff. Why is it no one can get along and don't argue about something unless you understand what you are arguing about