By MrsRODixon - 05/03/2015 12:38 - United Kingdom - Pencoed

Today, I received an urgent call from my son's nursery asking me to collect him, saying he was, "lethargic, complaining about being ill and crying". I get there and he's running around, playing and admits he just wanted to come home. They still made me take him home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 869
You deserved it 2 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've got a devious little genius there. Better be on his good side from now on.


Clever little fella! He's going places!

Or is it opposite? Maybe they "lied" to the parents saying that he's sick to get him home because he's just plan hyperactivity?

If they sent home hyperactive tots, they'd end up with an empty classroom, and failing business. Parents talk, too. "I can't believe they sent home Johnny the other day!" "They've sent home my Susie twice recently!" Plus at 3, kids can talk, and you can generally tell when your kid is lying.

Seeing your response saying that there's probably an adjustment period, it makes a lot of sense. Though I have to tell you about a story I saw about a young boy (a lot younger than your boy), who had been acting lethargic and ill, etc. He had experienced a bumped head about 2 months beforehand, and then suddenly died and one of the day care workers was charged with his murder. There are a lot more details to the case, but I don't blame the day care workers - there's a certain amount of protection, both for themselves and the other children.

c_wyld 21
bleedingglitter 24

Been there, done that. Haha But in my defense i was bullied and didnt know it was something i had to tell my parents and thought thats how school was.So i looked for ways to not go. Just talk to ur kid once and hopefully its nothing serious.Good luck.

Discipline is always a must on every child to learn from right and wrong.

Find out what his "money" is and take it away. Like his iPad or teddy bear.

Despite what many here seem to think, there is a difference between annoying and insane hellion. Toddler behavior is a giant spectrum from creepy angel to wildly destructive monster.