By buses suck - 15/11/2015 06:06 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I regret asking my neighbor to turn down his music last night. When I left for work, I found his car parked so close to mine that I couldn't squeeze between them. His wife's was parked the same way on the other side. They wouldn't answer their door and I ended up being late to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 462
You deserved it 2 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What ignorant assholes. There is seriously no reason to be that childish.


JohnnyWake0 13

Should've called the cops for cars trespassing on your property & had them towed or bash all their windows in, high road or low road

afisxfallxchild 9

Aaaaaaaand so you call the cops.

I would have had the one of them towed.

outsiderOsorio 2

Kind of makes me think of my asshole housemates. When ever anyone would point out that they made a mess or left dishes in the sink they would instead of cleaning it up they would immediately point out something that someone left out for a few minute, even though there dishes had been in the sink for days. Or they would exaggerate a mess or something.

mandaa95 17
Jwaye2 7

For future knowledge if either of them are manual transmission get under the car and cut the handbrake cable and roll the cars out into the street :)

How close were the neighbors were parked, was either over the line of their parking spot, and how big is the OP? If OP is a plus size person who needs extra space and the neighbors were parked a bit close but still reasonably within their own spot that's different than what this FML is portraying.

Some people are so childish and pathetic. Your neighbours need to grow up. Is there a spit you can park elsewhere so you don't need to be anywhere near them.

you just had to push the car with yours, it's what we do