Boom boom boom

By Anonymous - 24/03/2023 16:00 - Australia

Today, I finally had some alone time to relax and watch a movie. As soon as I pressed play, my neighbor started blasting their music so loud I could feel the bass in my chest. I tried calling the landlord, but they didn't answer. I ended up watching the movie with subtitles while listening to my neighbor's music. FML
I agree, your life sucks 896
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

File a noise complaint. If that doesn't work out, call the police.


File a noise complaint. If that doesn't work out, call the police.

You should definitely make an attempt to talk to the neighbour, if that doesn’t work, noise complaint, then police. However, if none of that works, there are little ear plugs called Flare, that dampen background noise and clarify sound in front of you. I use them when my downstairs neighbour cranks his rock music in the summer days (we’ve come to an understanding that he can crank it for an hour or so daily). They make a huge difference and help me to not go nuts listening to Tiny Dancer at full volume for the billionth time.