By Anonymous - 23/04/2013 16:06 - United States

Today, I removed the side rails from my truck because I didn't think I really needed them. An hour later, I went to Wal-Mart, forgot they were gone, and busted my ass in public while getting out of my truck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 922
You deserved it 44 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your first mistake was going to Walmart...

*slow clap* let us hope you put them back on =)


You may not think you need them, but your body begs to differ.

Dag! Embarrassed to the fullest! aight?

onorexveritas 23

That's what you get for shopping at WalMart.

I shall be hidden in the bushes taking my own video0.0......

thefuckinloser 6
\ 28

You might as well have removed your own kidneys. Very myopic decision, OP.

muffinkitty 15

Honestly, even if you didn't think you needed them, why would you put effort into taking them off?

You were the only one to bust your ass at Wal-Mart.