By Anonymous - 25/12/2010 23:21 - United States

Today, I rented a copy How To Train Your Dragon for my young son to watch. I put the DVD in, hit play without paying attention, and went off to make lunch. A few minutes later, my son ran into the kitchen screaming. Apparently, there was a mix up at the rental store and I got a copy of Saw IV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 516
You deserved it 11 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ilovepandaz 2

your son's gonna have nightmares

perez758 2

well that was stupid of you to not even look at what you put in the dvd player.. what if it had been ****? lmao your son probably wouldn't have even told you!


Bawxy 0 guys KNOW this kid is going to have problems! xD I loff SAW. :3

QueenClover 0

Free rentals for you! Aren`t they supposed to check each one before you leave?

it's obviously a fake fml how does he not notice the saw disc being a saw disc and hitting play on the menu when jigsaw is just chillin there killing peeps

Okay, everyone, I have a theory here. This person here? Didn't rent a movie. She just illegally torrented it. And downloaded the wrong thing, or burnt the wrong thing, or labeled the disks incorrectly, or didn't label them at all. That would probably overide the menu option, and of course, the disk would be plain. She just said rent, because hey, this is a public place and even though a lot of people do it, a lot of people also don't like standing on a box screaming 'I've pirated every single movie I've watched since 2006!'