By Anonymous - 25/12/2010 23:21 - United States

Today, I rented a copy How To Train Your Dragon for my young son to watch. I put the DVD in, hit play without paying attention, and went off to make lunch. A few minutes later, my son ran into the kitchen screaming. Apparently, there was a mix up at the rental store and I got a copy of Saw IV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 516
You deserved it 11 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ilovepandaz 2

your son's gonna have nightmares

perez758 2

well that was stupid of you to not even look at what you put in the dvd player.. what if it had been ****? lmao your son probably wouldn't have even told you!


meeba 2

how to train ur dragon looked horrible anyway, I'd rather be killed

Monkeybutt1 0
TylerOMFG 7

Fake, I have seen this in a movie. original fmls please?

Any time you say, "Let's play a game," your son's gonna freak out!

I hope you told your son to stop being a pussy.