By Elcam - 16/10/2013 08:22 - Belgium

Today, I replaced a usually fun collegue's picture of his kids with a picture of my face against glass, so it looked I was inside the screen. Everyone laughed, but he reported me because I tried to "erase his children" and "if anything happens to them" it's now my fault. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 829
You deserved it 5 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is only possible if you're Frankendoodle and you have Spongebob's magic pencil.


Whoa. He's a bit crazy and can't take a joke. I would treat him the same way. Every time I had to be around him and interact with him I would be stone cold serious and talk to him like he did you. And then I wouldn't include him in any of the fun festivities. He's a douche.

I would have laughed could have kept the photo on the desktop so it could be reapplied quickly...

SuperMew 22

He did react in an odd way. However, I would be very careful when touching other people's computers at work. You could get in trouble for it, or cause a lot of tension with your coworkers. I understand wanting to play harmless pranks, but not everyone wants to have their things touched or altered, and then be laughed at. I am one of those people. When I am at work, I want to get the job done, get paid, and go home. I have a few co-workers who I like, and joke around with. But we do not mess with each other's belongings or computers. That tends to start prank wars and... well, work is not about childishly pranking other people. It is about getting a job done. I know I sound really boring, and I do not think how your coworker reacted is normal or sane.

graceinsheepwear 33

I agree. I bet it was more about touching the computer. Maybe he has content on there he wants to keep hidden.

Gonna be honest 64, you sound like someone I'd punch in the face.

SuperMew 22

Why? I am honestly curious. I get that reaction a lot from co-workers. Someone pulls a stupid prank, people laugh, and they think I should be cool with them messing with my desk or touching my stuff. I grew up with brothers who insisted upon playing "harmless" pranks. It got old really fast. I like to get my work done, get paid, and go hang out with people who I am not paid to spend time with.

kuzcoandpacha 3

Jim Halpert, stop messing with Dwight

They say when you die you do not know and you do not notice any pain, but it affects everyone around you. It's the same for stupid people. That's why we should avoid the idiots in life :)

You didn't erase his kids, just his sense of humor, apparently...

fallen_dragonkin 12

he probably hasn't got such a sense of humour as you thought, keep away from him if he thinks reporting his colleagues for no reason is okay

wow. ..I sincerely hope they arent in charge of anything important. Because he's not right. ..

happyfingers 15

Uh... Maybe he was messing with you? No? Yeah, probably not... That's so weird though. Wonder why he freaked. o.O

Don't mess with pictures on other people's desks, especially if they're pictures of children. For all you know, he's a divorced parent, only gets to see his children once every two weeks, and then you replace their picture on his desk with a picture of yourself. It gives people the wrong impression.